12th April 2023

At last, after several disasters, I have managed to retrieve files which disappeared from my computer, twice, so I can update this little website.

My lovely A is so much better now, thank goodness, although her sight is failing and she is awaiting cataract surgery which with the present state of the NHS may be some time in coming to fruition.

The past eight months have seen the Songsinger household lurch from one disaster to another.

Firstly the washing machine which had given good service for several years gave up the ghost, then the shredder started making a funny smell (sort of burning!), my car had various electrical faults which cost vast amounts to put right, the CCTV monitor failed, the boiler would not switch on and had to be mended, then the oven packed in, my phone died and the TV in the bedroom, which I use when my Fibromyalgia is too much to bear had sound but no picture which is not a lot of use!

There was also the matter of power cuts over some three weeks totalling more than fourteen and a half hours in total which had the majority of the village in darkness and cold because the electricity people could not find the fault, then had an enormous generator on a lorry taking up the whole of the car park in the Methodist church which caused enormous difficulties, not the least because it kept running out of fuel.  One would have thought that the specialist company who provided the generators would know how long it would run before needing re-fuelling but no, each time that took several hours to be put right.

I visited the dentist in the village with some trepidation as it had changed hands and I was not impressed to say the least.  The chap I saw had all the people skills of a gnat and as a consequence of him insisting I use inter-dental brushes which I found difficult as my teeth are big and close together I had two broken front teeth and a broken crown so it was a good job lockdown happened as my smile was distinctly off!

Having plucked up the courage in early February to get it all seen to, at some enormous cost and even more enormous pain I have at last got my smile back but given the choice I would run a mile before returning to that particular practice.  Of course, the NHS gives us no alternative except going to a private dentist and I shall give that due consideration.
31st December 2023

I cannot believe that it is so long since I updated this site but my only excuse is that I have been very busy!

Running the local church hall for bookings and generally undertaking secretarial duties which is entailed with being a joint treasurer means little time left for leisure.

Of course, my Knit-for-Nowt knitting has to take precedence so my New Year's resolution is to maintain this site so that I can look back and thank God for all the lovely things I have in my life.

8 January 2021

It would be churlish not to welcome the New Year as indeed I cannot be the only person on the planet who is glad to see the back of the previous year.  It has been an experience being together with OH absolutely all the time but I am glad to say that we have enjoyed the experience and if anything we are closer now than before in that we often do little things without the other asking and that is just splendid.

Roll on better days!
These two rather strange-looking monsters are just that - worry monsters which I have had much delight in creating.

They are for children/teens who are in therapy following trauma of many kinds and the idea is that the child writes their worries and concerns on a piece of paper and then put the paper in the mouth of the monster who then gobbles them up!

Apparently, together with talking therapy, these work very well and I am proud that I have already completed two which have been sent, four,  which I am awaiting the Royal Mail getting their parcel collect service up an running in our village, and one in process.  They are such a good way of using up what OH calls an enormous stash of yarn!

Sadly the one with the knickers/underpants is for those children who have been abused which breaks my heart.
22 January 2021

As OH and I have been shielding since March last year, with only forays out to medical appointments, I have found myself with some time on my hands, not least because I was lucky enough to have a superb cleaner is just a lovely person.  Sadly, she cannot visit during the current lockdown as she has domestic and family duties but I cannot wait for her return.  In the meantime my wonderful Hetty has come to the rescue so I am doing a bit at a time and giving OH a duster when needed!

23 February 2021

Goodness me! These last few months have thrown all kinds of challenges to us and I am only now being able to clear my mind sufficiently to put my thoughts down on paper.

OH has for some months been suffering from dimished sight due to cataracts and owing to the pandemic, the NHS waiting list means that he was given an appointment after he had the first operation last Saturday!  Going privately goes against the grain but the whole problem was affecting his life so much that it was the only option.  Thankfully all is well and I am becoming adept at administering eyedrops which is really scary!

We also had a torrid time with one circuit of our electricity cutting out at random times and as it was the one with the boiler on it that was inconvenient to say the least.  A friend recommended a super electrician who patiently sorted it all out for us and I have so much to be thankful for with all the support around me from friends and family and a phone and computer so that I can communitcate. 

Turn it round and look for the good my Mum always used to say so I am doing that.
4 April 2021

I cannot believe that eight years have gone by since my lovely adopted family celebrated a wedding and I nearly lost OH to a serious bronchial pneumonia - in one way, similarly with lockdown, it is an eternity but in another it is no time at all!

Now that lovely family has grown to three beautiful children and thankfully OH is well on the way to having his second eye operation at the end of this month.  Although we have had one vaccination, another has not appeared on the  horizon and we are being very careful in not mingling although we have been officially freed since 1 April from the shielding which has been onerous to say the least as the second eye operation is so important.

Sadly a young acquaintance and an older lady have both died yesterday so any cheer at the longer days is tempered with sadness, coupled with the anniversary of an old friend who died a year ago tomorrow.  The only thing to be thankful for is that they are all out of their suffering and at peace - along with my beloved son.

The BBC outdid themselves with a performance of the Easter music from "Messiah" yesterday by the ENO with a magnificent performance from the Samoan born New Zealander, Brendan Wilson, who reduced me to tears, Easter reflections from Kings' and today an absolute feast of religious programmes which helped us tremendously as although our church was open, we chose not to risk going in case anything affected the important operation at the end of the month.
16 May 2021

The second eye operation is much more successful than the first and OH is now seeing stuff that he has not seen for 50 years!

His joy is a wonder to behold and I am so thankful that all has gone well and he sees without glasses which is not only a bit odd for me, but also for him as he has worn specs since he was 9!

  Several hundred years ago of course.

Another bonus is that he can see the birds properly for the first time and is absolutely thrilled - and so am I.
21 September 2021

So much has happened in the last few months that I have hardly had time to breathe!

We now have something called hedgehogs in our gutter which had previously provided our starlings with a lovely shower when the rain cascaded and moved the joint of the downpipe and that was one large cost.

Our CCTV starting sounding as though it was a 40-a day smoker so that had to be updated again at a large cost.

My beloved Fiesta needed road tax, MOT, insurance and service all at the end of August - another large cost.

The recent weeks have been spent in trying to find/source/inspect a suitable venue for our choir to return to singing and that has meant a great many virtual committee meetings, including one memorable one lasting 2 hours!

Then, to crown it all, Tesco, in their wisdom, decided that all current accounts with them were going to be closed with the result that they managed to collapse the switching service - quite a feat I thought.  So in the interim I had little idea when and what would happen or where my money was for at least two weeks.

On top of all this, Vodafone, with whom I have been a loyal customer (silly me) for more than 20 years, decided that my modest account with them was going to cost me 50% more each month.  So, having announced that to all their customers at the same time meant that their website crashed and I was unable to get the necessary code to switch to another provider.

The upside of that was that a half-hour conversation with a lovely chap from Sky not only meant that my mobile contract was a ridiculously small amount but also that, being a VIP as I have been with them for more than 20 years, we have had our Sky service upgraded to all HD and other stuff at no further charge apart from set-up.

There is always a silver lining!
8 January 2021

It would be churlish not to welcome the New Year as indeed I cannot be the only person on the planet who is glad to see the back of the previous year.  It has been an experience being together with OH absolutely all the time but I am glad to say that we have enjoyed the experience and if anything we are closer now than before in that we often do little things without the other asking and that is just splendid.

Roll on better days!
These two rather strange-looking monsters are just that - worry monsters which I have had much delight in creating.

They are for children/teens who are in therapy following trauma of many kinds and the idea is that the child writes their worries and concerns on a piece of paper and then put the paper in the mouth of the monster who then gobbles them up!

Apparently, together with talking therapy, these work very well and I am proud that I have already completed two which have been sent, four,  which I am awaiting the Royal Mail getting their parcel collect service up an running in our village, and one in process.  They are such a good way of using up what OH calls an enormous stash of yarn!

Sadly the one with the knickers/underpants is for those children who have been abused which breaks my heart.
22 January 2021

As OH and I have been shielding since March last year, with only forays out to medical appointments, I have found myself with some time on my hands, not least because I was lucky enough to have a superb cleaner is just a lovely person.  Sadly, she cannot visit during the current lockdown as she has domestic and family duties but I cannot wait for her return.  In the meantime my wonderful Hetty has come to the rescue so I am doing a bit at a time and giving OH a duster when needed!

23 February 2021

Goodness me! These last few months have thrown all kinds of challenges to us and I am only now being able to clear my mind sufficiently to put my thoughts down on paper.

OH has for some months been suffering from dimished sight due to cataracts and owing to the pandemic, the NHS waiting list means that he was given an appointment after he had the first operation last Saturday!  Going privately goes against the grain but the whole problem was affecting his life so much that it was the only option.  Thankfully all is well and I am becoming adept at administering eyedrops which is really scary!

We also had a torrid time with one circuit of our electricity cutting out at random times and as it was the one with the boiler on it that was inconvenient to say the least.  A friend recommended a super electrician who patiently sorted it all out for us and I have so much to be thankful for with all the support around me from friends and family and a phone and computer so that I can communitcate. 

Turn it round and look for the good my Mum always used to say so I am doing that.
4 April 2021

I cannot believe that eight years have gone by since my lovely adopted family celebrated a wedding and I nearly lost OH to a serious bronchial pneumonia - in one way, similarly with lockdown, it is an eternity but in another it is no time at all!

Now that lovely family has grown to three beautiful children and thankfully OH is well on the way to having his second eye operation at the end of this month.  Although we have had one vaccination, another has not appeared on the  horizon and we are being very careful in not mingling although we have been officially freed since 1 April from the shielding which has been onerous to say the least as the second eye operation is so important.

Sadly a young acquaintance and an older lady have both died yesterday so any cheer at the longer days is tempered with sadness, coupled with the anniversary of an old friend who died a year ago tomorrow.  The only thing to be thankful for is that they are all out of their suffering and at peace - along with my beloved son.

The BBC outdid themselves with a performance of the Easter music from "Messiah" yesterday by the ENO with a magnificent performance from the Samoan born New Zealander, Brendan Wilson, who reduced me to tears, Easter reflections from Kings' and today an absolute feast of religious programmes which helped us tremendously as although our church was open, we chose not to risk going in case anything affected the important operation at the end of the month.
16 May 2021

The second eye operation is much more successful than the first and OH is now seeing stuff that he has not seen for 50 years!

His joy is a wonder to behold and I am so thankful that all has gone well and he sees without glasses which is not only a bit odd for me, but also for him as he has worn specs since he was 9!

  Several hundred years ago of course.

Another bonus is that he can see the birds properly for the first time and is absolutely thrilled - and so am I.
21 September 2021

So much has happened in the last few months that I have hardly had time to breathe!

We now have something called hedgehogs in our gutter which had previously provided our starlings with a lovely shower when the rain cascaded and moved the joint of the downpipe and that was one large cost.

Our CCTV starting sounding as though it was a 40-a day smoker so that had to be updated again at a large cost.

My beloved Fiesta needed road tax, MOT, insurance and service all at the end of August - another large cost.

The recent weeks have been spent in trying to find/source/inspect a suitable venue for our choir to return to singing and that has meant a great many virtual committee meetings, including one memorable one lasting 2 hours!

Then, to crown it all, Tesco, in their wisdom, decided that all current accounts with them were going to be closed with the result that they managed to collapse the switching service - quite a feat I thought.  So in the interim I had little idea when and what would happen or where my money was for at least two weeks.

On top of all this, Vodafone, with whom I have been a loyal customer (silly me) for more than 20 years, decided that my modest account with them was going to cost me 50% more each month.  So, having announced that to all their customers at the same time meant that their website crashed and I was unable to get the necessary code to switch to another provider.

The upside of that was that a half-hour conversation with a lovely chap from Sky not only meant that my mobile contract was a ridiculously small amount but also that, being a VIP as I have been with them for more than 20 years, we have had our Sky service upgraded to all HD and other stuff at no further charge apart from set-up.

There is always a silver lining!
8th April 2024

So far, 2024 is no better than 2023 for domestic issues.

My car off the road for three weeks with an undiagnosed fault which then cost nearly £900 to put right; a Fibromyalgia flare-up; something called a Morton's neuroma in my foot which has had me off my feet for several weeks and then Oh has managed to wrench his back so badly that he has had to sleep on the reclining sofa and has not been out of the house for 4 weeks.

On top of that, BT in their wisdom, has decided to switch us over to VOiP which was a complete disaster involving three BT Engineer visits and two from Sky.  BT provided us with a new Router which we did not want as this involved changing all the passwords on the many devices which we are lucky enough to own, which was trying to say the least!

We are now, almost 21 years to the day following my hold-up at the bank where I worked, hoping that better times are ahead and apparently today there is to be a solar eclipse which should settle things down.

We can only hope!